Sunday, January 24, 2010


A butterfly is such a wonderful example of death and transformation. In it's short life it moves from egg, to larvae (or caterpillar) which all takes an average of 4 days. As a caterpillar it will eat steadily to store energy in the form of fat and nutrients. Once it has enough stored up, it will go to work on the next stage which is becoming a chrysalis.To do this the caterpillar creates it's own magical transforming chamber, a cocoon, in about two weeks a beautiful, colorful butterfly emerges from that cocoon.
The life span of a butterfly is not long , a matter of weeks but what an amazing life of continuous change. I am wanting to become the butterfly, creating my own cocoon to feed my artful spirit, storing up nutrients thru meditation, movement and self love, and allowing myself to emerge into new beauty as I feel it.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Feeding Myself Art Food

Through all of this change and stretching and moving I am requiring myself to feed myself daily. Not just food but art food, and love, unconditional self love which means even if I am unsure or in doubt I love myself. Even if I feel like a failure or stuck or unmotivated or uninspired I love myself. Art food what does it taste like. Maybe today it tastes like ocean air with a slight salty tang to it, or chocolate melted on my hands inviting me to lick them clean.
Today my art food was dreaming and a walk in the beautiful clear blue sky of a day.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


That is all I have been hearing, seeing, feeling, and knowing that I am wanting to understand what that means to me. The dictionary says change is "to make the form, nature, content , future course, etc. of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone:" It means that something has to change in my life, has it ? I lost my mother about 10 weeks ago and I am working thru the grief. Grief is tricky some days you feel completely normal and balanced and other days you feel like putting one foot in front of the other one is all that you can handle. With the loss of my mother I have lost my way, somehow my personal compass cannot seem to find true north. But maybe that is because true north is shifting , the old ways and formulas of doing things seem to be falling apart, so my quest is to find the new way to see my path with the light of love